Tuesday 13 January 2009

Lauren and Steve over one night last week. I introduced them to Dutch Blitz and was promptly beaten by Steve two games in a row. Beginner's luck. It was a bit chilly that night so Lauren was wrapped up in a blanket that Mom crocheted for us two years ago.

What was left of Dave's "7 cup Dumpling". Like the name would suggest, it's made with a cup each of 7 different ingredients. Like a fruitcake - very yummy! Stuff on the right is a brandy sauce which wasn't that great, but it was store bought so I guess it wasn't our fault. :)

It's been a while since I've gotten any significant amount of reading done, so I've decided to start back into reading a bit each evening. Since making the resolution, I've finished "Papillon" by Henri Charriere. The book is about how he was given a life sentence of hard labour for a murder he didn't commit and his insane number of escape attempts he made before he was able to get away and settle in Venezuale. I think I would have given up after the 2nd failed attempt if I'd bothered to try at all. Next on the list is "Lord of the Flies". It's one of the many 20th century classics I seem to have missed out on.


forty winks said...

I read Papillion in the fall. It's a great read. Lord of the Flies is a definite classic - we read it in high school. Good choices!