Saturday 27 June 2009


The birds outside are being very noisy just now. I think they're protesting against the clouds and wet that have been dominating today's weather. My laundry day has been partially thwarted by the weather, but I've persisted in washing the clothes despite the fact that I'm not sure how I'll dry it all. There's no rain at the moment, so I think I'll keep the clothes out for as long as it's light outside.

I've spent the last month visiting family and it's been fantastic. Loved seeing Mom and Tom in Montana, and then Thom and Louise were here in Dundee for a little over a week. It had been almost 2 years since I'd seen any of them. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any pictures of Thom and Louise's visit, but they took loads so I'm sure they'll eventually circulate around. Although I haven't been able to see my sister this summer, she phoned this afternoon and it was great to catch up. Dave and I are hoping to get to Halifax next summer. It's been far too long since we've been there.

I spent this afternoon helping Elspeth wallpaper Dave's gran's bedroom. I haven't done any wallpapering since we did our hallway and stairs last year and I have to say that this time around was much easier. It probably has something to do with the lack of high drops and steep stairs in the bedroom! Most of the time I don't mind DIY since there's a great sense of accomplishment when it's all done.

Dave's away at a stag night tonight and I'm meant to be researching for our trip to London at the end of July. We booked tickets for "The Lion King" this afternoon and checked out a few activities we'd like to do while we're there. We'll be staying with the same family that Sharaya and I stayed with in April.

Not much researching going on at the moment. Instead I'm watching "Grand Designs" and doing another one of my schedules (love organising!) Birds are still noisy.....