Saturday 21 March 2009

Lamb, Hairspray and Potatoes

After getting home from work last night, Dave and I decided to treat ourselves to a meal out. We went to the Riverside Inn which used to be the Marmalade Pot before it changed hands. I ordered a lamb shank and really enjoyed it since I rarely have lamb. Decided to have dessert at home so sat back watching TV and eating mango sorbet. Carte d'Or does a really nice one with tiny bits of mango in it...yum!

This morning I scoured the internet and finally found semi-affordable tickets for "Hairspray" in the West End. It's playing at the Shaftesbury Theatre so Sharaya and I will be going on the Friday night when we're in London.

There's a ceilidh tonight to raise funds for a hospital in Cameroon so I was down at the church this afternoon peeling potatoes for stovies. Between the 3-4 of us, we peeled 22kg of potatoes. No worse for it, except that I developed a slight pressure blister on my finger where it was resting against the peeler. Got a bright blue bandaid over it until it heals. Tesco recently had a sale on bandaids and the blue food hygiene approved ones are the only ones that are waterproof so I went with those. The water-resistant ones are pretty useless.

Tomorrow's Mothering Sunday here and Dave's all prepared. I still have to get a card for my mom so I'll have something to send her come May. The first year I was here I totally forgot that there would be nothing in the card shops when the North American Mother's Day arrived. Live and learn I guess.

The time doesn't go ahead until next weekend so I've got one more week of having my friends and family 3, 6, and 7 hours behind me. Must remember to change the batteries in my smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detector next weekend.