Friday, 2 October 2009

The Heating is On

It's finally October, which means that the heating can go on without guilt. For the last two weeks I've been using our home group on Tuesday nights as an excuse to put on the heating. Now I can enjoy it myself! There seems to be some sort of psychological barrier to using it before October. I just don't like being bested by the elements. It's probably something similar to Dave's aversion to wearing a coat in early autumn.

Of course, now that the heating is being used with greater regularity, I'm aware of all the strange noises coming from the radiators. Dave's attempt to bleed one tonight was relatively successful if the accompanying water spray was anything to go by.

This Sunday is the date of my first 5K race. It's taking place in Inverness and I'm heading up there tomorrow afternoon with a girl from work. She'll be doing the 10K race, but since I'd never done any running at all before 11 weeks ago, I thought I'd start small. We're planning to check out Loch Ness while we're up there. I figure I can't be that close to it and not go, especially since I've already lived in Scotland for nearly 3 years without seeing it.

The race is at 10.15 on Sunday morning so it'll all be over by 11. I expect to be back in Dundee late Sunday afternoon and will try to remember to post any pics I've taken.


Shaun and Michelle Slauenwhite said...

OK so I'm not the only one who has a thing with turning on the heat in September!!